
About Us:

Backlash – Premier 80s Heavy Rock:
Born in the late 70s, literally, and raised in the 80s, Backlash has been performing 80s heavy rock for over 40 years. That’s a long time to get good at something. The members of Backlash didn’t just decide in 2023 to build a “tribute band”. We’ve been playing “our” music professionally for decades.
Originally from the touring band PHX, and later Street Romeo, which went on to beat Arizona’s best bands and win the Arizona battle of the bands in 1984; playing, of course, popular at the time, 80s heavy rock, the members of Backlash's current line up are more like best friends than bandmates and are only interested in playing the music that feeds their soul.
When you love the music you play, you love to play that music. This is obvious at Backlash live shows. Our shows don’t look like four guys muddling through songs they could give a shit about but have to play them to earn a paycheck. Our shows are fun for us because our hearts are in it. That translates into a contagious energy that excites the audience and gets them to join in the fun. Backlash shows are a party.
No click tracks, no pre-recorded backing tracks, no autotune, no hidden synthesizers off-stage like those used by most bands nowadays; just four guys having fun playing their favorite music, exactly as written, recorded, and intended.

Angelo – Entertainment, Vocals, Dynamic 80s Emulationist:
The frontman drives the band and the crowd, having to wear both the vocalist hat and the entertainer hat. Angelo delivers both.
Coming from a history of accomplished bands in the L.A. club scene, Angelo has the unique ability to make the audience feel like they are part of the band and part of the show. Angelo's secret talent is clowning around, just enough, to really connect with an audience. And, he does it so effortlessly it shows his true love for singing music live. When the band is having fun and the crowd is having fun, everybody wins.
It’s always easier for a vocalist that “sings” to learn to “scream” than it is for a “screamer” to learn to “sing”. Angelo is a consummate singer first and has developed the technique of hitting those hard, raspy, high notes which are an important part of 80s heavy rock genre.
Well-rounded, professional, stage present, singer (screamer).

John – Simutaneous Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Harmony Vocals, Jokester:
John started playing guitar in 1976. Mostly because he got sick of driving his brother to guitar lessons and waiting outside in a hot VW bug with no AC during the Arizona summer. Might as well go inside where the AC is and learn guitar too, so he did.
John doesn’t read music. He doesn’t need to. In 1976, there was no YouTube where you could learn how to play songs from others up-close and slowed down. You had to learn “by ear”. Learning “by ear” makes you play the same thing over and over until it’s right. When we say John plays the songs “note for note”, we mean “note for note”.
When you learn songs the “hard way” it gets built into your fingers and the guitar playing part of the songs becomes innate. That frees one up to sing harmony vocals, develop their stage presence, have fun, and, oh yeah, play both guitar parts simultaneously. Impossible you say? Not so – read on!
With all that "free time", John has developed the technique of using a “looper” pedal. Early in some songs he will record and store the rhythm guitar part that gets played behind the solo later on in the song. Then, when the solo hits, John hits “playback” on his looper and, voila, he has the backup guitar playing live behind his solo. This makes the three-piece sound like a four-piece band; like a studio version of the songs.

Bobby   Certified Rumblemaster, Harmony Vocals, Maniaco:
It takes an extremely special musician to play bass in an 80s heavy rock three-piece band. In every song there is no second guitar to back-up the single guitarist. Not only do you have to hold down the foundation of the songs with the drummer, you have to be the guy that fills-in any hollow spots that would otherwise be covered by the second guitar. That’s a tall order. Bobby is one of the few muscians that can actually pull it off.
Bobby comes to us originally from Ventura, California. Growing up on Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and the beach, Bobby played in a multitude of bands; hard rock originals, top 40, Hispanic music, funk, even country all over Ventura County (back in the 80’s) headlining shows and opening for touring acts like Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Night Ranger, and many others. Bobby put his four strings away for a number of years but we are glad to say, he is back with his natural talent to find that elusive middle harmony between John and Ross. Four part harmonies acappella? No big deal with Bobby in the band.

Ross – Glorified Bongo Beater, Harmony Vocals, The Best Damn Drummer In The Whole Band:
Like Bobby, being a drummer in an 80s heavy rock, three-piece band is no easy job. You really have to go above and beyond to hold down the tempo, play the right drum, tom, cymbal, cowbell, etcetera at exactly the right moment. You can’t be off a little. Knowing what to hit when is critically important to 80s heavy rock. But to do that and be able to sing backup harmony vocals too is the mark of a real musician.
At just 8 years old, his destiny was already set in motion. Ross' journey as a drummer began by constructing makeshift drum kits from coffee cans and pots and pans. From the moment he picked up wooden kitchen utensils to use as drumsticks, there was no turning back. Nearly every surface got used as a drum or cymbal as he relentlessly pounded out rhythms and grooves often to the chagrin of his teachers who couldn't quite appreciate his passion.
Ross has always been dedicated to crafting original music; eager to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of musical expression. The drum kit became an extension of his very being. As time passed and Ross matured, he felt a longing to revisit the music that initiallly ignited his passion. 80s heavy rock, in particular, had always held a special place in his heart like no other genre and had left an indelible mark on his soul. Helping to form Backlash, Ross was a natural and perfect fit.